Italian word of the day
Origin | From the Italian verb rompere, “to break”, and scatole, “boxes” |
Translation | Nuisanse, pain in the butt |
IPA pronunciation | /ˈrɔmpi ˈskatole/ |
Nuisance, pain in the butt
Different forms of rompiscatole
Like most nouns in Italian, rompiscatole has two articles (definite or indefinite articles) and two numbers (singular or plural).
Un rompiscatole
A nuisance
Dei rompiscatole
Some nuisances
Il rompiscatole
The nuisance
I rompiscatole
The nuisances
Tom è un vero rompiscatole.
Tom is a real pain in the butt.
Il capo è un rompiscatole quando si tratta di rispettare le scadenze.
The boss is a pain in the neck when it comes to meeting deadlines.
Le zanzare sono delle vere rompiscatole in estate.
Mosquitoes are real pests in the summer.
Quel cliente è davvero un rompiscatole.
That customer is really annoying.
You can also say rompere le scatole, literally to break someone’s boxes, to mean “get on someone’s nerves”.
Mi stai rompendo le scatole.
You’re getting on my nerves.
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