Italian word of the day
Origin | From the Latin word panis, “bread” |
Translation | Nuisanse, pain in the butt |
IPA pronunciation | /ˈpaːne/ |
Il pane
The bread
Different forms of pane
Like most nouns in Italian, pane has two articles (definite or indefinite articles) and two numbers (singular or plural).
Un pane
A bread
Dei pani
Some breads
Il pane
The bread
I pani
The breads
Dicono che il pane bianco faccia male.
It is said that white bread is not good for your health.
Puoi andare al supermercato e comprare una confezione di pane a fette?
Can you go to the supermarket and buy a package of sliced bread?
Taglia il pane e mettilo in tavola, per favore.
Please cut the bread and put it on the table.
Oh no, ho fatto bruciare il pane!
Oh no, I let the bread burn!
Fabio spezza il pane con le dita.
Fabio splits the bread with his fingers.
Sono andato al negozio a comprare una micca di pane.
I went to the store to buy a leaf of bread.
Sbocconcellare il pane
To nibble at the bread
Fetta di pane
Slice of bread
Briciola di pane
Crumb of bread
Tozzo di pane
Chunk of bread
Pezzo di pane
Piece of bread
Boccone di pane
Morsel of bread
Filone di pane
Leaf of bread
Micca di pane
Leaf of bread
Pane alle olive
Bread with olives (inside)
Pane, burro e marmellata
Bread, butter and jam
Mollica di pane
The soft inside the bread
Mettere a pane e acqua
To give someone only bread and water to eat
Meaning: To punish someone harshly
Rendere pan per focaccia
To give flatbread in exchange for bread
Meaning: To get even
Buono come il pane
As good as bread
Meaning: A very honest and kind person
Trovare pane per i propri denti
To find bread for your teeth
Meaning: To come across a challenge
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