
Italian word of the day

OriginFrom the Italian words mezzo, half, and giorno, day
IPA pronunciation/mɛdt͡soˈd͡ʒorno/


a bird and a sun and some bushes in broad daylight

How to use mezzogiorno

Mezzogiorno is a masculine noun in Italian, but it’s almost always used without the article.

The correct spelling is mezzogiorno, not mezzo giorno!
Also, don’t confuse it with il Mezzogiorno, with an article and a capital M, which is a translation for southern Italy.

È già mezzogiorno.
It’s noon already.

To translate at noon, use a mezzogiorno, with the preposition a. For example, you can say…

Pranziamo spesso a mezzogiorno in punto.
We often have lunch at noon sharp.

La campana suona a mezzogiorno.
The bell rings at noon.

To translate until noon or till noon, use fino a mezzogiorno.

Ho dormito fino a mezzogiorno e poi ho studiato per il resto della giornata.
I slept until noon and then I studied for the rest of the day.

La riunione è andata avanti fino a mezzogiorno.
The meeting went on until noon.

people discussing during a meeting

Before noon and after noon are translated as prima di mezzogiorno and dopo mezzogiorno, respectively. Make sure you don’t add the preposition di after dopo, as it doesn’t sound right.

Pensi di potercela fare prima di mezzogiorno?
Do you think you can make it before noon?

Ha iniziato a piovere dopo mezzogiorno.
It started to rain after noon.

By noon can be translated either as entro mezzogiorno or per mezzogiorno.

Erica dovrebbe essere qui entro mezzogiorno.
Erica should be here by noon.

Devi finire questo lavoro per mezzogiorno.
You must finish this work by noon.

Other examples with mezzogiorno in Italian

Il mio turno inizia a mezzogiorno.
My shift begins at noon.

Let’s see some other sentences featuring the word for noon in Italian.

Era circa mezzogiorno quando arrivò in città.
It was around noon when he arrived in the city.

È impossibile arrivare entro mezzogiorno.
It’s impossible to arrive by noon.

Il pranzo sarà servito a mezzogiorno.
Lunch will be served at noon.

lunch with tomatoes, egg, rice, pudding and soup

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