
Meaning of magari in Italian

Magari is mainly used as an adverb that can be translated into English as “maybe” or “perhaps”.

Maybe, perhaps, may

Magari in Italian: Examples

Magari uscirò dopo cena.
Maybe I’ll go out after dinner.

Cosa mangerai per pranzo? – Magari mi preparo un piatto di pasta.
What will you have for lunch? – Maybe I’ll make myself a plate of pasta.

Magari Mattia non sarà intelligente, ma è simpatico e onesto.
Mattia may not be smart, but he is nice and honest.

Luca non è in casa? Magari è uscito senza dire nulla.
Luca isn’t at home? Maybe he went out without saying anything.

man standing in front of a train door

Using magari in Italian

We’ve said that magari in Italian is an adverb that translates to the English adverb words “maybe” and “perhaps”. It is also used to make a suggestion. Notice that it’s often the first element in a sentence.

Magari pioverà stasera.
Maybe it will rain tonight.

Magari potresti portare il cane al parco giochi.
Maybe you could take the dog to the playground.
You can also say: Potresti magare portare il cane al parco giochi.

However, magari also means I wish or if only. So it can be used as an exclamation for something you are longing for. It can be used alone and also to introduce another element. The intonation is also different.

I wish!

Magari comes from the Greek word makários, which means “blessed, happy”.

Vorresti possedere un’auto da corsa? – Magari!
Would you like to own a racing car? – If only!

Magari piovesse! La terra è arida.
I wish it would rain! The land is dry.

Forse mia suocera si trasferirà all’estero… Magari fosse vero!
Maybe my mother-in-law will move abroad…. I wish that were true!

girl wishing on a star

In these last two examples, you may notice that magari is followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood.

This is mandatory when using magari in Italian to express an impossible wish, because you are imagining a hypothetical scenario. When followed by a past subjunctive, magari is also used to express a regret.

Magari guadagnassi di più!
I wish I had studied more last night!

Magari potessi trasferirmi alle Hawaii!
If only I could move to Hawaii!

Magari avessi studiato di più ieri sera!
If only I had studied more last night!

Magari fossi arrivato in tempo per il concerto!
I wish I had arrived in time for the concert!

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