Meaning of inchiodare in Italian
Inchiodare most commonly translates as “to nail, to hammer in”, referring to the action of fastening or securing something with nails.
Origin | From the noun chiodo, “nail”. Note that “nail” as a fingernail is called unghia, so it’s a completely different word in Italian! |
Pronunciation | /inkjɔˈdaːre/ |
To nail, to hammer in
Inchiodare in Italian: Examples
Sto inchiodando delle assi per costruire un tavolo.
I am nailing planks to build a table.
Inchiodare in Italian: Related words
Inchiodare can also mean “to pin down” or “to be stuck”, either physically or metaphorically.
Federico inchioda il ladro al muro prima che possa scappare.
Federico pins the thief to the wall before he can escape.
Sono le diciannove e sono inchiodato in ufficio dalle otto di stamattina.
It is nineteen o’clock and I have been stuck in the office since eight o’clock this morning.
You can use inchiodare to translate “to nail” in the sense of catching or proving someone’s guilt.
Il sangue sul muro è la prova che inchioda il colpevole.
The blood on the wall is the evidence that nails the culprit.
Finally, inchiodare in Italian also refers to the action of slamming on the brakes, bringing a car to a sudden and forceful stop.
Il gatto attraversa la strada e Gabriele inchioda per non investirlo.
The cat crosses the road and Gabriele slamps on the brakes so as not to run it over.
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