Meaning of curiosare in Italian
Curiosare is an informal translation for “to snoop, to pry, to look around”. It’s a neutral word, with no connotations. It depends on the context whether it is positive or negative. In itself, it just means you feel a need to “snoop around”.
Origin | From the adjective curioso, “curious, inquisitive” or “strange”. These words are cognates |
Pronunciation | /kurjoˈzaːre/ |
To snoop, to pry
Curiosare in Italian: Examples
You can nose around flowers, or browse around antique markets. You can also rummage through old vinyl records or snoop in your mom’s drawers…
Il gatto curiosava tra i fiori in giardino.
The cat was nosing around among the garden flowers.
Mi piace curiosare nei mercatini dell’antiquariato.
I like to browse around antique markets.
La mia vicina di casa continua a curiosare dalla finestra.
My neighbor keeps prying from the window.
I bambini amano curiosare nei cassetti.
Children love to snoop in drawers.
Mi sono divertito a curiosare tra i vecchi vinili in cantina.
I had fun rummaging through old vinyl records in the basement.
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