
How do you say today in Italian?


Use oggi to say today in Italian.

OriginFrom the Latin word hodie, the shortened form for hoc die, which means “on this day”


man sweating under the sun - how do you say in italian

Today in Italian: Examples

Ti chiamo oggi verso sera. Ora devo andare!
I’ll call you today around the evening. I have to go now!

Oggi sei impegnato? Vorrei che mi aiutassi a riparare la rete.
Are you busy today? I would like you to help me repair the net.

Avevo intenzione di andare al mare oggi, ma poi ha iniziato a piovere.
I wanted to go to the beach today, but then it started to rain.

Today with parts of the day

You can use oggi together with pomeriggio, afternoon, to say this afternoon, which literally as “today afternoon”.

You can also say questo pomeriggio, literally “this afternoon”.

Oggi pomeriggio
This afternoon

Oggi pomeriggio ho da fare. Posso venire da te domani mattina.
I’m busy this afternoon. I can come over tomorrow morning.

woman throwing papers around because she has too much to do

➡️ Learn how to say tomorrow in Italian!

Expressions with today in Italian

If for some reason you want to emphasize that you’re going to do something today, there are a number of expressions (modi di dire, “ways of saying”) that you can use, for example…

Oggi stesso
Literally: Today itself

Non posso aspettare fino a domani. Devo svuotare la libreria oggi stesso.
I can’t wait until tomorrow. I must empty the bookshelf today.

Proprio oggi
Literally: Just today

Perché hai deciso proprio oggi di ridipingere camera tua?
Why did you decide today to repaint your room?

Literally: This today

La lezione di quest’oggi sarà molto più interessante delle precedenti.
Today’s lesson will be much more interesting than the previous ones.

Oggi can also mean nowadays.

Al giorno d’oggi
Literally: At today’s day

Al giorno d’oggi non è facile crescere un figlio.
Nowadays it is not easy to raise a child.

Literally: Todayday

Oggigiorno è difficile scegliere cosa comprare.
Nowadays it is difficult to choose what to buy.

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Sayings with today in Italian

Let’s wrap up our lesson with some proverbs (proverbi, from the singular proverbio) that feature the word for today in Italian. For each expression, you will find the translation into English and a literal meaning.

Non rimandare a domani quello che puoi fare oggi
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
Literally: Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today

Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Literally: Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow

Oggi a me, domani a te
Your day will come
Literally: Today to me, tomorrow to you

Oggi qui, domani là
Here today, gone tomorrow
Literally: Today here, tomorrow there

Dall’oggi al domani
All of a sudden, within a single day
Literally: From today to tomorrow

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