
How do you say stubborn in Italian?


Use testardo to say stubborn in Italian.

OriginFrom the Italian word testa, meaning “head”


Stubborn in Italian: Different forms

Like all other adjectives in Italian, testardo needs to match the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun.

man facing a concrete wall

Stubborn in Italian: Examples

Mario è un tipo testardo, non cambierà idea facilmente.
Mario is a stubborn guy; he won’t change his mind easily.

Martina è testarda come un mulo.
Martina is as stubborn as a mule.

Gabriele è il più testardo tra i miei figli.
Gabriele is the most stubborn among my children.

Una persona testarda non si lascia convincere facilmente.
A stubborn person is not easily persuaded.

a dinosaur charging

Stubborn people are said to have a “hard head” in Italian with the expression avere la testa dura, “to have a hard head”. You can also find it as essere una testa dura, “to be a hard head”.

Sei una testa dura, Vincenzo!
You are very stubborn, Vincenzo!

There are a number of synonyms for stubborn in Italian that you can use instead of testardo. The most common ones are…

Stubborn (more formal)

Stubborn (colloquial)


For example, you can say…

Perché sei sempre così cocciuto?
Why are you always so stubborn?

Michele è un tipo molto ostinato e non si fermerà davanti a nessun ostacolo.
Michele is very stubborn and will stop at no obstacle.

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