
How do you say rude in Italian?


Use maleducato to say rude in Italian. Maleducato can also translate “lout, cad, ill-mannered, impolite”.

OriginFrom the prefix mal- and the Latin word educĕre, “to lead out, to bring up”

Don’t confuse the English rude with the Italian rude. Rude (ROO-deh) as an Italian word means “rough, coarse”!


Rude in Italian: Different forms

Like all other adjectives in Italian, maleducato needs to match the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun.

boy hitting a wall

Rude in Italian: Examples

Il bambino maleducato parla con la bocca piena.
The rude child speaks with his mouth full.

Il cliente è stato maleducato con il personale del negozio.
The customer was rude to the store staff.

Dei ragazzi maleducati hanno imbrattato il muro del municipio.
Some rude boys soiled the wall of the City Hall.

La ragazza è stata maleducata nel rifiutare l’invito.
The girl was rude in declining the invitation.

man giving a letter to the reader

Maleducato can also be a noun.

Lei, signore, è un gran maleducato!
You, sir, are very rude!

Maleducato comes from maleducazione, which can be translated as “rudeness” or “bad manners”. It’s a compound word made up of mal, bad, and educazione, education.

È maleducazione interrompere le persone.
It is rude to interrupt people.

There are a number of synonyms for rude in Italian that you can use instead of maleducato. The most common ones are…

Rude (from sgarbo, rudeness)

Rude (from cortese, curteous)


For example, you could say…

Sei stato molto sgarbato con Gabriele.
You were very rude to Gabriele.

Quell’uomo ha modi molto scortesi.
That man has very rude manners.

La sua risposta è stata volgare e offensiva.
His response was rude and offensive.

rude neet

Rude behaviors to avoid in Italy

If you ever come to Italy for a vacation, you might want to learn this list of rude behaviors not to attempt in public spaces:

  • making loud calls on public transport
  • listening to music without earphones on public transport
  • jumping the queue
  • eating with your mouth open
  • not giving priority to a pedestrian waiting to cross
  • sneezing without covering your mouth
  • not taking off your sunglasses when someone talks to you
  • starting to eat before all the people at your table are seated
  • picking your nose in public
  • slurping your spaghetti

More free Italian resources

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