How exactly do you say peace in Italian?
As you’ll see in this lesson, this word has more than one meaning in Italian. Peace can refer either to the cessation of hostilities between two warring parties, or to a general state of tranquillity.
La pace
(The) peace
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How do you say peace in Italian
La pace
Pace is the direct translation of peace in Italian and is a feminine noun. It is indefinite, so it has no plural form.
La pace
(The) peace
Etymology: peace in Italian comes from the Latin word pacem.
The pronunciation is similar to Pah-cheh. Be careful not to add a -y sound to the final -e. Italian vowels are clean.
It’s pace, not pece. Pay attention to your vowels! Pece translates as tar or pitch.
Se vuoi la pace, prepara la guerra.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
Ora mi sento in pace con me stesso.
I feel at peace with myself now.
The adjective pacifico, “peaceful”, comes from pace. Pacifico is most often used to describe a person. If you are describing an environment, say tranquillo or calmo.
Luca è un tipo pacifico.
Luca is a peaceful guy.
L’atmosfera di questo ristorante è sempre molto tranquilla.
The atmosphere in this restaurant is always very peaceful.
Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672
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Expressions with peace in Italian
Let’s wrap up our lesson on how to say peace in Italian with a couple of sayings and expressions that feature this word.
If you want to be left alone, you have to say in Italian that you want to be left “in peace”.
Lasciare (qualcuno) in pace
To leave (someone) alone
Literally: To leave someone in peace
Lasciami in pace!
Leave me alone!
If you know a very peaceful person, you can say that they “would not hurt a fly”.
Non fare male a una mosca
To not hurt a fly
Mio fratello? Non farebbe male a una mosca!
My brother? He wouldn’t hurt a fly!
When you need to concentrate on a task, you may want to close the windows to keep any noisy activity out of your office. You want to work in santa pace, in peace!
Fare qualcosa in santa pace
To do something in peace
Literally: In saint peace
Finalmente posso dormire in santa pace!
At last I can sleep in peace!
Con tutto questo rumore non riesco mai a studiare in santa pace.
With all this noise, I can never study in peace.
If you want to wish someone peace in a somewhat solemn way, you can say che la pace sia con te. Note that this uses the pronoun “tu”, which is an informal way of addressing people. It is not used with the polite form “Lei”.
Che la pace sia con te
May peace be upon you
Non dare pace and non darsi pace are used to mean “not to leave someone alone” and “not to come to terms with, to reconcile with”.
Dare is a verb that means to give, and darsi is its reflexive form.
Non dare pace
Not to leave someone alone, not to give peace
You use non darsi pace to emphasize that you or someone else is unable to accept a given situation.
Non darsi pace
Not to come to terms with, to reconcile with, to accept
Literally: Not to give oneself peace
Quest’afa non ci dà pace da tre settimane.
This mugginess has not given us peace for three weeks.
Giorgio non si dà pace per quanto successo ieri sera.
Giorgio cannot come to terms with what happened last night.
Mettersi il cuore in pace or mettersi l’animo in pace is the opposite of the above expression because it describes a situation where you accept an unpleasant situation and stop thinking about it endlessly.
Mettersi il cuore in pace
To come to terms with, to accept, to set one’s heart at rest
Literally: To put one’s heart in peace
Mettersi l’animo in pace
To come to terms with, to accept, to set one’s heart at rest
Literally: To put one’s spirit in peace
Devi metterti il cuore in pace, Giorgio. Non puoi fare più nulla.
You have to set your heart at rest, Giorgio. There is nothing more you can do.
You use the expression far tornare la pace when you manage to make peace again. Literally, it can be translated as “to make peace come back”.
Far tornare la pace
To make peace again
Literally: To make peace come back
To make peace can simply be translated as fare pace.
I bambini che stavano litigando hanno appena fatto pace.
The children who were fighting have just made peace.
You can also negoziare, negotiate, peace with a trattato di pace, peace treaty.
Negoziare la pace
To negotiate peace
I Paesi hanno negoziato un trattato di pace.
The countries negotiated a peace treaty.
What kinds of peace are there in Italian?
Pace interiore
Inner peace
Pace permanente
Permanent peace
For example, you could say…
Elisa trova la pace interiore solo quando ascolta della musica.
Elisa only finds inner peace when she listens to music.
La pace permanente non è altro che un’illusione.
Permanent peace is nothing but an illusion.
Someone who promotes peace is said to be a pacifista, pacifist.
Il pacifista
The pacifist
A common peace symbol is the colomba, dove, holding an olive branch, rametto d’ulivo.
La colomba
The dove
Il rametto d’ulivo
The olive branch
Justice of the peace is another word that features the word for peace in Italian, giudice di pace.
Il giudice di pace
The justice of the peace
Finally, to rest in peace is translated in Italian as riposare in pace.
That’s the end of our lesson on how to say peace in Italian!
What next?
Now that you’ve seen how to say peace in Italian, you might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:
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