
How do you say healthy in Italian?


Use sano to say healthy into Italian.

OriginFrom the Latin word sanum, “healthy”


Healthy in Italian: Different forms

Like all other adjectives in Italian, sano needs to match the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun.

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Healthy in Italian: Examples

Paolo è un ragazzo sano.
Paolo is a healthy boy.

Fumare e bere non sono abitudini sane.
Smoking and drinking are not healthy habits.

Respirare aria sana fa bene.
Breathing healthy air is good for you.

boy breathing healthy air

As you have seen, healthy in Italian can also be used to describe things like air and habits. For example, you can say:

Cerco sempre di seguire una dieta sana.
I always try to eat a healthy diet.

Uno stile di vita sano può prevenire molte malattie.
A healthy lifestyle can prevent many diseases.

A famous Latin saying goes mens sana in corpore sano, translated into Italian as mente sana in corpo sano: “sound mind in sound body”.

There are some synonyms you can use instead of sano. The most common are…

Healthy (“promoting good health”)

In buona salute
In good health

For example, you can say…

L’esercizio fisico è necessario per mantenersi in buona salute.
Exercise is necessary to maintain good health.

Un’alimentazione salutare comprende molta frutta e verdura.
A healthy eating includes lots of fruits and vegetables.

Depending on context, healthy can also be translated as robusto (healthy appetite, robusto appetito) or even salubre (healthy climate, clima salubre).

For example, you can say…

Molti preferiscono trascorrere le vacanze al mare per godere del clima salubre e dell’aria fresca.
Many prefer to spend their holidays by the sea to enjoy the salubrious climate and fresh air.

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