
How do you say fast in Italian?


Use veloce to say fast and quick in Italian.

OriginFrom the Latin word velox, “fast”
IPA pronunciation/veˈlɔːtʃe/


Fast in Italian: Different forms

Veloce has only two forms because adjectives ending in -e in Italian remain unchanged for both genders, but must match the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun.

bunny running and holding a letter

Fast in Italian: Examples

Gli struzzi sono molto veloci.
Ostriches are very fast.

Qual è l’animale più veloce del mondo?
What is the fastest animal in the world?
(“more fast”)

Il cane è più veloce dell’uomo e lo raggiunge in pochi secondi.
The dog is faster than the man and catches up with him in a few seconds.

Sei troppo veloce per me!
You are too fast for me!

panting girl

There are a number of synonyms that you can use instead of veloce. The most common ones are:

Fast, rapid

Quick, swift (only used to describe people)

Quick, swift (only used to describe people)

Lightning quick

For example, you can say…

Il ciclista attraversa la strada a velocità fulminea.
The cyclist crosses the road at lightning speed.

La tachicardia è una serie di battiti del cuore molto rapidi.
Tachycardia is a series of very fast heartbeats.

Federico è svelto a lavorare.
Federico is quick to work.

swift man at work at a desk

Fast in Italian: Expressions

The word for speed in Italian is velocità. Let’s look at some common expressions and collocations featuring this word in Italian:

  • limite di velocità (speed limit)
  • alla velocità della luce (“at the speed of light”)
  • treno ad alta velocità (high-speed train)

For example, you can say…

Ho preso una multa per avere superato il limite di velocità.
I have received a ticket for exceeding the speed limit.

I treni ad alta velocità sono una fantastica invenzione.
High-speed trains are an amazing invention.

Il ladro scompare alla velocità della luce.
The thief disappears at the speed of light.

thief robbing a safe

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