One minute please

How do you say one minute please in Italian?

Un minuto, per favore!

The most literal way to say one minute please in Italian is un minuto, per favore.

Un minuto, per favore!
One minute, please!

Per favore means please in Italian, while minuto means minute. Un is simply a masculine indefinite article.

I recommend that you use this phrase only when you are among friends, relatives and people you know well.

Dammi un minuto, per favore!

Dammi un minuto, per favore literally translates into English as give me a minute please, where dammi is an imperative conjugation of the verb dare, to give. You can use this sentence to address a person with whom you are on familiar terms.

Dammi un minuto, per favore!
Give me a minute, please! (informal, singular)

Italian has a singular you and a plural you. If you want to address a group of people, you can say…

Datemi un minuto, per favore!
Give me a minute, please! (informal, plural)

newspaper vendor

And finally, if you want to ask your boss at work or a shopkeeper (or any other person to whom you have to show a certain amount of respect) for an extra minute, you can say…

Mi dia un minuto, per favore!
Give me a minute, please! (polite)

Un attimo, per favore!

There’s also un attimo, per favore, which literally means one moment, please and is another possible translation for one minute please in Italian. Longer variants with the imperative forms of dare, to give, are also valid.

Un attimo, per favore!
A moment, please!

Dammi un attimo, per favore!
Give me a moment, please! (informal, singular)

Datemi un attimo, per favore!
Give me a moment, please! (informal, plural)

Mi dia un momento, per favore!
Give me a moment, please! (polite)

man working frantically at a keyboard

Other translations for one minute please in Italian

There are many other sentences you can use to ask for some more time. Let’s see some.

Dammi un secondo, per favore!
Give me a second, please! (informal, singular)

Aspetta un attimo! Aspettate un attimo! Aspetti un attimo, per favore!
Wait a moment, please! (informal, plural, polite)

Dammi ancora qualche secondo!
Give me a few more seconds! (informal, singular)

Un secondo solo, per favore!
Just another second, please! (informal, singular and plural)

overtired man surrounded by work papers

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