Be patient!

How do you say be patient in Italian?

Sii paziente!

Words you should knowEssere (to be) + paziente (patient)
When to use thisWith 1 person you’re familiar with
When NOT to use thisWith strangers (doh!) and groups

Sii paziente!
Be patient! (singular, informal)

For example, you can say…

Sii più paziente con gli anziani. Anche tu sarai anziano, un giorno.
Be more patient with the elderly. You too will be old one day.

Sii più paziente, Sandro. Non c’era bisogno di arrabbiarsi così.
Be more patient, Sandro. There was no need to get so upset.

angry man with a beer glass in his hand

Siate pazienti!

When to use thisWith a group of people
When NOT to use thisWith strangers (doh!) and 1 person at a time

Siate pazienti!
Be patient! (plural)

In Italian, unlike English, there are two kinds of “you”. There is a singular “you” and then there is a plural “you”. If you’re speaking to a group, you’ll need to conjugate any verb or pronoun accordingly, and don’t forget the gender!

Paziente has only two forms because adjectives ending in -e in Italian remain unchanged for both genders, but must match the number (singular/plural) of the noun they describe.


For example, you can say…

Alessandro non è un tipo molto paziente.
Alessandro is not a very patient guy.

I miei nonni sono pazienti.
My grandparents are patient.

Siate pazienti con lui, è il suo primo giorno di lavoro qui.
Be patient with him, it is his first day of work here.

coworkers shunning another coworker

Sia paziente!

When to use thisWith 1 person you’re NOT familiar with
When NOT to use thisWith friends, family and groups

When speaking formally, Italians address each other with the subject “she”, lei. Use Lei in the written form if you want to be very polite.

Sia paziente!
Be patient! (polite)

For example, you can say…

Sia paziente, signore. Mi serve solo un’informazione.
Be patient, sir. I just need one piece of information.

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