Italian summer vocabulary

Italian summer vocabulary 1-5

Il mare
The sea

La spiaggia
The beach

Andare al mare
To go to the seaside

Le vacanze estive
Summer vacation

The heat wave

woman sweating in the sun

Italian summer vocabulary 6-10

La piscina
The swimming pool

Il costume da bagno
The bathing suit

La maglietta
The T-shirt

I pantaloncini
The shorts

Il gelato
The ice cream

ice cream cup with different tastes

Italian summer vocabulary 11-15

I sandali
The sandals

Il cinema
The movie theater

Il bar
The bar

La passeggiata
The stroll

La montagna
The mountain(s)

a tall mountain

Italian summer vocabulary 16-20

Il trekking

Il sole
The sun

Il centro estivo
The summer center

La festa
The party

The tan

woman basking in the sun

Italian summer vocabulary 21-25

Il pallone
The soccer ball

I compiti a casa
The homework

La crema solare
The sunscreen

The summer

Il divertimento
The fun

family having fun

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Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

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