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Frasi con was e were in inglese
Frasi con was e were da 1 a 20
Eccoti le prime 20 frasi con was e were in inglese.
What time was your appointment?
A che ora era il tuo appuntamento?
We weren’t paying attention.
Non stavamo prestando attenzione.
I quit reading the novel because it wasn’t very interesting.
Ho smesso di leggere il romanzo perché non era molto interessante.
Mary told me that she was working.
Mary mi disse che stava lavorando.
By the way, where were you last night?
A proposito, dov’eri ieri sera?
I was too scared to do anything.
Avevo troppa paura di fare qualcosa.
Was that you I heard singing in the shower?
Eri tu quello che ho sentito cantare nella doccia?
I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to help much.
Mi dispiace di non essere stato in grado di aiutare molto.
Were you bitten by an insect?
Sei stato punto da un insetto?
Paul told me that he was a poet.
Paul mi disse di essere un poeta.
Were dinosaurs warm-blooded?
I dinosauri erano a sangue caldo?
Were you waiting for me?
Mi stavi aspettando?
We weren’t given any food or water.
Non ci hanno dato né cibo né acqua.
I was visiting my grandmother in Paris.
Ero in visita da mia nonna a Parigi.
Why weren’t you listening to me?
Perché non mi stavi ascoltando?
You were supposed to come yesterday, not today.
Dovevi venire ieri, non oggi.
The explosives were hidden in a trash bin.
L’esplosivo era nascosto in un cestino della spazzatura.
Were you able to make yourself understood in French?
Siete riusciti a farvi capire in francese?
John’s parents weren’t home.
I genitori di John non erano in casa.
My grandfather was a hero.
Mio nonno era un eroe.
Frasi con was e were da 21 a 40
Eccoti altre 20 frasi con was e were in inglese.
Was I talking too loud?
Stavo parlando a voce troppo alta?
The door was closed, but it wasn’t locked.
La porta era chiusa, ma non era chiusa a chiave.
Some of our members weren’t at the meeting.
Alcuni dei nostri membri non erano presenti alla riunione.
Was that an earthquake?
Quello era un terremoto?
Tom didn’t know Mary was in town.
Tom non sapeva che Mary fosse in città.
I wasn’t expecting guests.
Non aspettavo ospiti.
There weren’t any window seats left.
Non c’erano più posti a sedere al finestrino.
Why didn’t you tell me that you were lactose intolerant?
Perché non mi avevi detto di essere intollerante al lattosio?
Where were you when the doorbell rang?
Dov’eri quando è suonato il campanello?
I know you were the one who broke the window.
So che sei stato tu a rompere la finestra.
I was afraid to be alone.
Avevo paura di stare da solo.
Was the theater crowded?
Il teatro era affollato?
When we were kids, Tom and I did a lot of things together.
Quando eravamo bambini, io e Tom facevamo molte cose insieme.
Mary’s car wasn’t in the garage.
L’auto di Mary non era nel garage.
Were you born in New York?
Sei nato a New York?
We weren’t the ones who started the fight.
Non siamo stati noi a scatenare la rissa.
Some of the passengers weren’t wearing seat belts.
Alcuni passeggeri non indossavano le cinture di sicurezza.
Were you happy in high school?
Eri felice al liceo?
The traffic jam was caused by an accident.
L’ingorgo è stato causato da un incidente.
The soldiers were armed.
I soldati erano armati.
n was e were da 41 a 60
Eccoti le ultime 20 frasi con was e were in inglese.
Was there anybody else in the room?
C’era qualcun altro nella stanza?
I never realized you were such a good French speaker.
Non mi ero mai accorto che parlassi così bene il francese.
I didn’t realize that you were hungry.
Non mi ero accorto che avessi fame.
Layla was home with her two younger brothers.
Layla era a casa con i suoi due fratelli minori.
Were you looking for these glasses?
Stavi cercando questi occhiali?
When I was a student, I studied at least three hours every night.
Quando ero studente, studiavo almeno tre ore ogni sera.
It was past nine o’clock.
Erano passate le nove.
Were you wearing a scarf?
Indossavi una sciarpa?
George wasn’t bothered by the noise.
George non era infastidito dal rumore.
Sami and Layla weren’t talking to each other.
Sami e Layla non si parlavano.
Layla was talking to those boys.
Layla stava parlando con quei ragazzi.
Was anyone injured inside the car?
Qualcuno è rimasto ferito all’interno dell’auto?
Petra was watching the video.
Petra stava guardando il video.
We just weren’t meant to be together.
Non eravamo fatti per stare insieme.
Sami was right outside that toilet stall.
Sami era proprio davanti alla toilette.
If it weren’t for her help, I would never have passed the exam.
Se non fosse stato per il suo aiuto, non avrei mai superato l’esame.
Your father was a great man.
Tuo padre era un grande uomo.
Alan wasn’t ugly at all.
Alan non era affatto brutto.
David was playing with his puppy.
David stava giocando con il suo cucciolo.
Larry was already in his pajamas.
Larry era già in pigiama.
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Cerchi una fantastica risorsa per approfondire la grammatica dell’inglese con spiegazioni concise e tanti esercizi supplementari? Ti consiglio caldamente il volume nel riquadro sottostante.
Titolo: English grammar in use. Supplementary exercises with answers
Lingua: Inglese
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Pagine: 143
Questo libro contiene 200 esercizi vari per lo studente di lingua inglese. Si accompagna al manuale di grammatica English Grammar in Use. Book with answers edito dalla stessa casa editrice.
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