Furniture vocabulary in Italian

Furniture vocabulary in Italian 1-5

Il mobilio
The furniture

Il mobile
The piece of furniture

La sedia
The chair

Il tavolo
The table

La poltrona
The armchair

ocra armchair

Furniture vocabulary in Italian 6-10

Il divano
The sofa

The closet

La scrivania
The desk

La scarpiera
The shoe rack

Il letto
The bed

woman making a bed

Furniture vocabulary in Italian 11-15

La specchiera
The dresser (with a mirror)

Il cassetto
The drawer

La cassettiera
The dresser, the chest of drawers

Il comodino
The bedside table

Lo scaffale
The shelf

brown shelf packed of things

Furniture vocabulary in Italian 16-20

La credenza
The sideboard

La libreria
The bookcase

Lo schedario
The filing cabinet

La cassapanca
The chest

Il cesto della biancheria
The laundry basket

white laundry basket

Furniture vocabulary in Italian 21-25

La vetrina
The display cabinet

La bacheca
The bulletin board

Il soprammobile
The decorative object

La lampada
The lamp

Il lampadario
The chandelier

light blue chandelier sparkling with lights

Furniture vocabulary in Italian 26-31

The coat rack

Lo specchio
The mirror

Le tende
The curtains

Il portaombrelli
The umbrella stand

Il quadro
The painting

Il tappeto
The carpet, the rug

bear carpet

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Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

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