Useful Italian Words: Fish

Fish names in Italian 1-5

Il pesce
The fish

The anchovy

La trota
The trout

La sardina
The sardine

Lo squalo
The shark

shark attacking a man inside a cage

Fish names in Italian 6-10

La carpa
The carp

Lo storione
The sturgeon

Il pesce gatto
The catfish

Lo sgombro
The mackerel

Il tonno
The tuna

tuna fish

Fish names in Italian 11-15

Il merluzzo
The codfish

La sogliola
The sole

Il nasello
The hake

Il luccio
The pike

Il piranha
The piranha

piranha fish facing left

Fish names in Italian 16-20

La razza
The ray

Il salmone
The salmon

The eel

La murena
The moray

Il cavalluccio marino
The seahorse

yellow seahorse

Fish names in Italian 21-24

The gilthead bream

La platessa
The plaice

Lo squalo martello
The hammerhead shark

Il pesce spada
The swordfish

swordfish facing left

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