24 common Italian phrases at the supermarket

Italian phrases at the supermarket 1-5

Do you have…?

I would like…

Sto cercando…
I’m looking for…

Sto cercando la corsia del cibo per animali.
I’m looking for the pet food aisle.

Avete questa marca di dentifricio?
Do you have this toothpaste brand?

italian phrases at the supermarket - toothpaste

Italian phrases at the supermarket 5-10

Lo prendo.
I’ll take it. (sing. masc.)

Prendo questo.
I’ll take this. (sing. masc.)

Posso pagare con carta di credito?
Can I pay with a credit card?

Ne avete ancora?
Do you have any more of this?

Pago in contanti.
I’ll pay in cash.

italian phrases at the supermarket - woman paying cash

Italian phrases at the supermarket 10-15

Quanto costa … al chilo?
How much does … cost per kilo?

Mi dia cinque panini, grazie.
Please give me five buns, thank you.

Un etto di prosciutto crudo, per favore.
100 grams of prosciutto, please.

Me ne dà un po’ di più, per favore?
Can you give me a little more, please?

Quanto costa il tonno al chilo?
How much does tuna cost per kilo?

italian phrases at the supermarket - tuna fish

Italian phrases at the supermarket 15-20

Sono a posto così, grazie.
That will be all, thanks.

Mi scusi, dove trovo i detersivi?
Excuse me, where can I find the detergents? (formal)

Mi scusi, sa dove posso trovare le uova?
Excuse me, do you know where I can find the eggs? (formal)

Avete qualcosa di meno caro?
Do you have anything cheaper?

Dove trovo i surgelati?
Where do I find the frozen food?

italian phrases at the supermarket - frozen shrimps, seafood

Italian phrases at the supermarket 20-24

Mi dĂ  una borsa, per favore?
Can I have a bag, please? (formal)

Ha la nostra tessera fedeltĂ ?
Do you have our a fidelity card? (formal)

Non ho moneta, mi dispiace.
I don’t have any change, I’m sorry.

Avete una cassa automatica?
Do you have a self-checkout?

What next?

You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

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