46 common Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 1-5

È in possesso di una tessera sanitaria europea?
Do you have a European Health Insurance Card?

Sì, ho una tessera sanitaria europea.
Yes, I have a European Health Insurance Card.

Sono coperto da assicurazione sanitaria.
I’m covered by health insurance.

Sono allergico a questo principio attivo.
I’m allergic to this active ingredient.

Dov’è la sala d’attesa?
Where is the waiting room?

at the doctor's office - people in a waiting room

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 6-10

Quante pastiglie devo prendere al giorno?
How many pills should I take in a day?

Prenda due pastiglie al giorno, una alla mattina e una alla sera, per una settimana.
Take two pills a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, for one week.

Prenda una pastiglia al giorno, preferibilmente durante i pasti.
Take one pill a day, preferably with food.

È un farmaco senza obbligo di ricetta?
Do I need a prescription to use this product?

Prenda una pastiglia al giorno lontano dai pasti.
Take one pill a day without food.

at the doctor's office - pills of different size and color

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 10-15

Non mi sento bene.
I don’t feel well.

Sono caduto e ho battuto la testa.
I fell and hit my head.

Temo di avere una commozione cerebrale.
I’m afraid I have a concussion.

Devo rimuovere una zecca.
I have to remove a tick.

Mi ha morso un cane randagio.
I was bitten by a stray dog.

at the doctor's office - woman afraid of a dog barking at her

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 15-20

Credo di essermi rotto un osso.
I think I broke a bone.

Ho la nausea.
I am feeling nauseous.

Mi viene da vomitare.
I feel like vomiting.

Non vado in bagno da sei giorni.
I haven’t gone to the toilet in six days.

Sono stato punto da un’ape e sono allergico.
I was stung by a bee and I’m allergic.

at the doctor's office - angry bee

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 21-25

Respiri profondamente.
Take deep breaths.

Sono vaccinato contro il Covid-19.
I’m vaccinated against Covid-19.

Ha un certificato di vaccinazione?
Do you have a certificate of vaccination?

Mi fa male camminare sul ginocchio sinistro.
It hurts when I walk on my left knee.

Dove le fa male?
Where does it hurt?

at the doctor's office - woman with hurting ankles

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 26-30

Faccio fatica a respirare.
I have trouble breathing.

Ho la febbre.
I have a fever.

Mi gira la testa.
My head is spinning.

Ho mal di denti.
I have a toothache.

Ho mal di testa.
I have a headache.

at the doctor's office - woman with a headache working at the computer

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 31-35

Ho diarrea.
I have diarrhea.

Ho mal di gola.
I have a sore throat.

Ho mal di stomaco.
I have a stomach ache.

Ho crampi all’intestino.
I have abdominal cramps.

Mi sento svenire.
I feel like I’m going to faint.

at the doctor's office - passed out man

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 36-40

Ci vedo doppio.
I have double vision.

Vedo sfocato dall’occhio destro.
My right eye is blurred.

Soffro di pressione alta.
I have high blood pressure.

Soffro di pressione bassa.
I have low blood pressure.

Ho le vertigini.
I feel dizzy.

at the doctor's office - dizzy kid with an orange t-shirt

Italian phrases to use at the doctor’s office 40-46

Soffro di scompenso cardiaco.
I have heart failure.

Soffro di insufficienza renale.
I have kidney failure.

Soffro di asma.
I have asthma.

Sono incinta.
I am pregnant.

Sono diabetico.
I am diabetic.

Mi può dare qualcosa contro il mal di stomaco?
Can you prescribe me something for my stomach ache?

What next?

You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

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