How do you say BEER in Italian?

How exactly do you say beer in Italian?

In this lesson, we will take a look at the different words you can use to talk about beer in Italian and you will even learn some expressions featuring this word. Read on to learn them all!


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How do you say beer in Italian?


Birra is how you translate beer into Italian.

La birra
The beer

smiling waitress holding 4 beer glasses

It is a feminine noun, so it uses the articles la (definite, the beer), and una (indefinite, a beer).

Una birra
A beer

Delle birre
Some beers

La birra
The beer

Le birre
The beers

Its pronunciation is similar to beer-rrah and it comes from the German word Bier, “beer”. Make sure the final -a has a clean sound, because Italian vowel sounds are clean!

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

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Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

For example, you could say…

Ti piace la birra?
Do you like beer?

Abbiamo finito la birra. Devo andarne a comprare un po’.
We ran out of beer. I have to go buy some.

Ci sono ancora tre casse di birra nel seminterrato.
There are still three cases of beer in the cellar.

Mi piace bere la birra ghiacciata.
I like drinking cold beer.

man working in a brewery

Types of beer in Italian

Two really common beer brands in Italy are Birra Peroni and Birra Moretti, but you will find a number of different beers in Italian to cover each and every taste. Some of these are…

Birra alla spina
Draft beer

Birra chiara
Light beer

Birra artigianale
Craft beer

For example, you could say…

Posso offrirti una birra alla spina?
May I buy you a draft beer?

Vorrei una birra artigianale, grazie.
I would like a craft beer, please.

glass of dark beer

When ordering a beer at an Italian bar or restaurant (potrei avere una birra, per favore?), you should know that beers come in three sizes:

  • birra piccola (small)
  • birra media (medium)
  • birra grande (large)

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Other words and idioms featuring beer in Italian

There are some common idioms featuring the word beer in Italian. These are…

A tutta birra
At full speed, full throttle
Literally: At full beer

Dare la birra a qualcuno
To hand somebody their heads
Literally: To give somebody the beer

The place where beer is made is called birreria, brewery.


Lavoro in una birreria. Per Natale ho ricevuto una cassa di birra gratis!
I work in a brewery. For Christmas, I got a case of beer for free!

When you enjoy a beer, you can use the expression scolarsi una birra, to knock back a beer.

Scolarsi una birra
To knock back a beer, to down

Michele si è appena scolato mezzo litro di birra.
Michele has just downed half a liter of beer.

friends cheering with a beer

And that’s the end of our lesson on how to say beer in Italian!

What next?

➡️ Learn how to cheer in Italian!

Now that you’ve seen how to say beer in Italian, you might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

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